Bright Festival x LedPulse

Leipzig, Germany

Bright Festival (October 2023) commissioned a collaboration between DEREAL Studio, LedPulse, and omni.soundlab . The three creative studios combined forces to create an audiovisual show in the bunkers of Kunstkraftwerk in Leipzig.

This was not an ephemeral show but a liminal space—a transformative experiment in perception and experience, one where light and sound coalesce into a multi-dimensional tapestry.

Omni.soundlab composed an evocative soundscape that served as the auditory pulse of the installation. LedPulse provided the volumetric 3D lights—each a node in a sculptural matrix—setting the architecture of possibility. DEREAL Studio meticulously orchestrated these elements, translating sound into a spectral choreography of light and shadow.

Visit us Provinzstraße 40-44,
13409 Berlin
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